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Carlsen-Anand: Game 10

Nov 21, 2014
StaffCoachIGMLessenmakers 2565

Game 10 saw the reigning World Champion returning to the Grunfeld defense. Vishy deviated from game 1 by employing the Russian Variation (4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3). The game developed in a sharp manner which seemed to suit Vishy well; he continued in confident manner and gained a big advantage. If that advantage should have won him the game is a question many analysist will be spending there time on in days to come but for the moment you can have a look at what IM Robert Ris and GM Erwin l'Ami think about the game!

Match score:

Carlsen - Anand, 5,5-4,5


Any thought, remarks, questions? Find us on twitter (@Chessity / @robertris / @erwinlami) or use the commentary box below!

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