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Chessity listed as Best Online Chess Course

Jan 24, 2018
Chessity staff post

Chessity has been listed as a best ‘online chess course’ by Online Courses Review. Online Courses Review provides high-quality information for individuals seeking the best online courses and degrees. 

 If you visit Chessity, you will fall in love with chess

The review site describes 17 online chess courses and praises Chessity in the following way: “If you visit Chessity, you will fall in love with chess. Their mission is to enable everybody to see the benefits of chess, to bring the fun back to chess learning, to offer interesting courses and help teachers and school in promoting chess.”

We are proud to be on the 2018 list, which was compiled even before we released Chessto, our friendly robot (it is actually a layer of artificial intelligence) that teaches and trains users during a chess game by delivering tips and advice based on their personal chess level and user data.

In 2018, we will introduce a number of new updates that will even further enhance the chess learning and teaching process. So stay tuned.

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