Pawn structure 1
From the bronze level onwards, the number of strategic themes will be expanded. One of the most important strategic themes is pawn structure. ‘Pawn structure’ is the way in which the pawns are arranged on the board. In the beginning, this structure consists of a long chain. This structure can change during the course of the game. After pawns are captured, the structure can be affected. The long chain suddenly changes into multiple ‘islands’.
Many different pawn formations have also been given their own names. Well-known examples are doubled pawns, isolated pawns, backward pawns and hanging pawns. In this lesson, we will first focus on the doubled pawns. A ‘doubled pawn’ occurs when two pawns of the same color are on the same file. In many positions, double pawns are considered a weakness. The disadvantage of double pawns is that they get in each other’s way and, above all, that they cannot protect each other. Double pawns are therefore less flexible.
In this lesson, your task is to saddle your opponent with a doubled pawn. You can sometimes achieve this by exchanging pieces on a specific square, forcing your opponent to recapture with a pawn.
What do you have to do?
Saddle your opponent with a doubled pawn by exchanging on a strategic square.