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Chess method
The king
The rook
The bishop
The queen
The knight
The pawn (1)
Tag the frog
Tag the frog
Capture the flag (1)
The pawn (2)
Snake: 2 pieces
Capture the flag (2)
Snake - 3 pieces
Tag the frog
Jumping Jack
Tag the frog
Give check
Check in two
Getting out of check: moving
Getting out of check: blocking
Getting out of check: capturing
Checkmate (1)
Checkmate (2)
Checkmate (3)
Checkmate (4)
The starting position
Earn the most points (1)
Earn the most points (2)
Earn the most points (3)
Getting out of check
Getting out of check: best move
Checkmate from close by (1)
Checkmate from close by (2)
Earn the most points (4)
Earn the most points (5)
Clever captures (1)
Clever captures (2)
Mate by protecting
Checkmate from a distance (1)
Checkmate from a distance (2)
Mate by placing a protected piece
Defense: moving (1)
Defense: moving (2)
Defense: protecting
En passant capture
Defense: capturing
Defense: blocking
Castling (1)
Castling (2)
Pawn captures
Snake - 4 pieces
Queen vs knight
Bishop vs pawns
Knight vs queen
Pawns vs bishop
Getting out of check
Checkmate from close by
Checkmate from a distance
Mate Monster: Mate on f7 (1)
Count & capture (1)
Count & capture (2)
Moving away (1)
Checkmate with 1 piece (1)
Checkmate with 1 piece (2)
Checkmate with 1 piece (3)
Common checkmates
Moving away (2)
Take the attacker
Defense: mix
Mate Monster: Mate on f7 (2)
Checkmate: mix
Mate Monster: Mate on h7 (1)
Mate Monster: Mate on h7 (2)
Mate Monster: Mate on g7
Mate Monster: Back rank (1)
Mate Monster: Lawnmower
King and queen mate (1)
Checkmate with queen and knight
Checkmate with queen and bishop
King and queen mate (2)
Checkmate with rook and knight
Checkmate with rook and bishop
Checkmate with knight and bishop
Double attacks (1)
Double attacks (2)
Moving away + protecting
Blocking + protecting
Trapping pieces (1)
Trapping pieces (2)
Moving to a protected square
Double protection
Promotion Monster (1)
Promotion Monster (2)
Brainy pawns (1)
Brainy pawns (2)
Defense, mate: moving away
Defense, mate: protecting
Defense, mate: capturing
Defense, mate: blocking
Trapping pieces (3)
Trapping pieces (4)
Smart protection (1)
Counterattack (1)
Eliminate a defender: capturing
Deflection (1)
Deflection (2)
Mind your own defender
Moving away + blocking
Moving away, but still protecting
Stalemate traps
Avoiding stalemate
Capturing and moving
Promotion Monster (3)
Discovered checks (1)
Discovered checks (2)
Checkmate by double check
Checkmate by discovered check
Take the defender
Mind your own defender
Eliminating the defender: deflection (1)
Eliminating the defender: deflection (2)
Pins (1)
Pins (2)
Pins (3)
Mate Monster: Mate on f7
Mate Monster: Mate on g7
Mate Monster: Mate on h7 (1)
Mate Monster: Mate on h7 (2)
Discovered attacks (1)
Discovered attacks (2)
Double attack
Stalemate traps
Mate Monster: Lawnmover (1)
Mate Monster: Lawnmower (2)
Mate Monster: Lawnmover (3)
Mate Monster: Back rank
Defense, mate: protecting (1)
Checkmate by clearance
Defense, mate: protecting (2)
Defense, mate: counter checking
Defense, mate: mix
Counterattack (1)
Counterattack (2)
Brainy pawns
Checkmate mix (1)
Openingtrainer introduction
Checkmate mix (2)
Checkmate mix (3)
Openingtrainer development 1
Checkmate mix (4)
Checkmate mix (5)
Openingtrainer queen’s pawn 1
Openingtrainer center expansion 1
Name the squares
White and black
Clever captures
Mate in one
Smart protection
Pawn forks
Profitable exchange
Double attack by queen
Double attack by knight
Defense: protecting (1)
Defense: protecting (2)
Discovered check (1)
Defense: moving away
Mate in one, game position
Double attack (2)
Threaten & attack (1)
Threaten & attack (2)
Threaten & attack (3)
Pitfalls: Double attack (1)
Pin & trap (1)
Pin & double attack
Pitfalls: Double attack (2)
Threaten & stop checkmate
Desperado (1)
Desperado (2)
Threaten & in-between check
Remove the guard & pin
Remove guard & disco attack
Disco attack & skewer
Disco attack & pin
Openingtrainer pawn with tempo 1
Openingtrainer preparing development 1
Openingtrainer pitfall 1
Openingtrainer center expansion 2
Take or checkmate?
Pin party
Exploiting a pinned piece
Defending against pins (1)
Pin party: disco attack
Pin party: eliminate the defender
Pin party: skewer
Pins & pitfalls (1)
Pins & pitfalls (2)
Clever captures (1)
Clever captures (2)
Zwischenzug: Threaten & resolve
Openingtrainer pawn with tempo 2
Luring with a double attack
Openingtrainer dealing with tension
Openingtrainer queen’s pawn with black
Defense: Trading
Defense: Interposing
Defense: Counterattack
Pitfalls: Defend & threaten
Openingtrainer challenging the bishop
Openingtrainer attacking the center
Openingtrainer develop 2
Get rid of defender: X-ray attack
Pitfalls: Disco attacks (1)
Pitfalls: Disco attacks (2)
Get rid of the defender: Trapping
Discovered attack + removing defender
Pitfalls: Trapping (1)
Pitfalls: Trapping (2)
Discoverd attack + trapping
Cross-pins (1)
Pitfalls: Trapping + disco attacks (1)
Pitfalls: Trapping + disco attacks (2)
Prevent tricks
Removing the defender: Capturing
Pitfalls: Remove defenders + SH
Pitfalls: Remove defenders + SM
Pitfalls: Remove defenders + WH
Pitfalls: Remove defenders + WM
Pitfalls: Remove defenders + thinking ahead
Passed pawns
Openingtrainer prepare development 2
Openingtrainer pitfall 2
Squares & disco attacks
Squares & double attacks (1)
Squares & disco attacks (2)
Squares & double attacks threat (1)
Squares & setting traps (1)
Squares & pin threat (1)
Squares & x-ray attacks threat
Squares & pins
Squares & defend against double attacks
Squares & defend against pins
Squares, pitfalls & disco attacks
Squares, pitfalls & double attacks
Squares, pitfalls & pins
Pinning combination
Chasing and pinning
Luring and pinning
Eliminate defenders: pins (1)
Eliminate defenders: pins (2)
Eliminate defenders: pins (3)
Forcing attacks (clearance
Attack a pinned piece (1)
Attack a pinned piece (2)
Pin party
Pin party: mating squares
Openingtrainer prepare development 3
Set up a discovered attack: check
Set up a discovered attack: capture
Set up a discovered attack: threat
Set up a discovered attack: check (2)
Set up a discovered attack: check (3)
Set up a skewer (1)
Set up a skewer (2)
Set up a skewer: capture
Set up a discovered attack: check + capture
Set up a skewer: check + capture
Set up a skewer: sacrifice
Set up a skewer: check (sacrifice)
Set up a discovered attack: sacrifice
Set up a skewer: sacrifice (2)
Set up a discovered attack: sacrifice (2)
Set up a skwer: sacrifice (3)
Set up a discovered attack: threat (2)
Set up a discovered attack: threat (3)
Set up a skewer: threat (1)
Set up a skewer: threat (2)
Openingtrainer exploit an advantage
Openingtrainer Sicilian
Openingtrainer queen’s pawn 2
Overloaded pieces
Forcing with mate threats
Forcing moves: mix
Mate in 2 with the rook
King behind the pawn
King in front of the pawn
King in front of the pawn
Zugzwang: reserve tempo
Zugzwang: capturing a pawn
Smart simplification
Insufficient material
Openingtrainer pitfall 3
Openingtrainer creativity
Rook in front of the pawn
Openingtrainer Philidor
Rook behind the pawn
Openingtrainer queen’s pawn 3
Openingtrainer pitfall 4
Defending against mate, mix
Defense: passed pawns
Defending against pins (2)
Defend a double attack
Defense: mix
Discovered attacks
Deflection (1)
Choosing the right attacker
Attack on the king
Access to the king
Pin party
Deflection (2)
Combination 1
Winning a pawn 1
Trapping 1
Mate in two 1
Pin party 1
Development 1
Center 1
Discovered attack 1
Eliminating a defender 1
Defending 1
Combination 2
Development 2
Improving a piece 1
Attacking 1
Attack on a pinned piece 1
Pin 1
Counterattack 1
Development 3
Pin party 2
Pawn structure 1
Overload 1
Discovered attack 2
Combination 3
Mating attack 1
Small plan 1
Trapping 2
Improving a piece 2
Development 4
Pawn ending 1
Combination 4
Desperado 1
Strategy 1
Key Squares 1
Key Squares 2
Races 1
The Rule of the Square
Rook Pawn
Geometry & Reti
Races 2
Rook: Mate
Rook: Open file
Rook: Pawn structure
Rook: Behind pawn
Rook: In front of pawn
Rook: Seventh rank
Rook: Stalemate
Rook:The king
Rook: Vulnerability
Rook: Xray Attack
Rook: Zugzwang