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Chessity in schools (Video)

Jan 1, 2016
StaffCoach 970

Chessity in schools  (video)

 ( English subtitle available)

 In the past year, Chessity has introduced itself to a lot of schools. The brain benefits of playing chess make it a great opportunity for young students to develop the parts of their brains they also need in a more classical approach to studying.


The introductions start with showing the principles behind Chessity and a demonstration of what to expect. It is clear to see that the children are very engaged and excited. As if they’re watching a soccer match or an intense movie, they shout directions and suggestions to the big screen.

Janton further explains why Chessity and schools make a great partnership, “Chess is very good for the brain. That’s why we think offering chess at schools would be great cause. I think Chessity may mark a new era, where children can learn to use their brain better in a very short time.”

After the demonstration, the kids get their hands on the games themselves. Everyone gets their own computer and goes through the Chessity games, sometimes with a little guidance from their teacher or Janton himself.

When the children see the first results, you can see their excitement again. They jump up at the sight of positive feedback, and you can tell they hardly notice their brains are developing at a fast pace. Their enjoyment of the games is most evident.


This component of enjoyment is underlined by Janton. “What we have seen is that you have to make chess fun from the very first move. And that’s we did with Chessity.”

The benefits of using chess in the classroom haven’t gone by unnoticed. The excitement you can see on the students’ faces in the video also translates to more and more partnerships between schools and Chessity.

In the coming year, more and more schools will start using Chessity to teach their students the brain-beneficial game of chess.

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HvdL 10:26 - 1 Jan 2016
Looking already forward to the demonstration at the school where i am giving chesslessons :)

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