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Thank You Chessity - from South Africa

Jun 4, 2013
Coach 1456

Dear Chessity Team

Thank you very much for sponsoring our chess programme with accounts.

The Chessity training system is an excellent, well designed system which our children are enjoying. Our learners do not have everyday access to broadband and computers but when we get them on the computers and on Chessity they just want more. 

Chessity is easy to use and is a great training tool for improving chess understanding and tactics. 

I also appreciate the new coaching and basic games facilities that have been added, which helps me with teaching beginners chess and helps me to keep an eye on my students progress.

Please continue to keep up the good work, you have an excellent product and a great heart for helping others too. 

Best Regards,

Ashley Visagie

Bottomup Nonprofit 

Cape Town, South Africa

One of our chess kids doing the Chess learning exercises:


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Chark 11:10 - 6 Jun 2013
Nice blog. Can you explain me a little bit about Bottomup Nonprofit?
Alina 19:30 - 21 Jun 2013
It is wonderful to receive positive feedback; the chessity team is thanking you!
And of course: good luck with your chess work!
Looking forward to get a new photo (maybe soon?!) with the same child, this time solving the hard section:)
Btw: in July I will be playing the South African Open in Port Elizabeth!
ashleyv 20:02 - 28 Jun 2013
Hi Chark & Alina, sorry for the late reply.

Bottomup is a nonprofit organization that supports learners in under-resourced schools by providing enrichment and support services (literacy support, physical education & extra-curricular/after school activities).

Chess is one of our favorite after school activities - the kids are progressing well. The boy in this photo, along with the school team won all their school league games and will be competing in their district top schools tournament later in July.

Alina! you're coming to SA, that's so cool. Port Elizabeth is nice but you'll have to come and visit us in Cape Town also :)
Alina 14:23 - 1 Jul 2013
Would love to visit Cape Town as well! But I cannot this time, even if right after Port Elizabeth there will be closed IM and GM tournaments in your hometown. Sergey Tiviakov will come though and I believe also Ipatov, so you will have a strong and nice company!:)
As for me: waiting for the next opportunity. Although, competition might be tough, with such love for chess I see from your organization!:)

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