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Learn to Play Chess with Amazing Chess Portal Chessity within Minutes

Sep 1, 2014

Chess is a game of strategic planning. For those who want to learn how to play chess, those who need to enhance their skills and for those who want to guide others to achieve that, Chessity is the perfect place. People often don’t find an appropriate guidance or coach for their children who want to learn chess, at Chessity with their interesting methods of learning, chess learning becomes interactive and entertaining. Small mini-games help to memorize the rule and regulations of the game and with different levels available, one can start from beginner to master level. Chessity is one of the best online virtual chess training portals, providing with amazing effects and rich graphics. Learning chess has been made fun and interaction with other players will give you the chance to learn new skills and bring perfection in your game with different exercises designed for the purpose.

Chessity for all

Chessity is not just for learners, it is a platform for coaches and for those who already know the game and want to interact and play with other players. Those who already know about the game can join and learn more from the interesting exercises to enhance your skills in the game and you will notice tremendous changes in your game technique. There are personalized training programs designed to train a person according to the required area of improvement. The performance can be measured and worked upon in five major areas, that is, speed, visualization, memory and problem solving and pattern recognition.

If you are a chess coach, there is an app specially design where you can add your students and new members which will help you to engage them, follow and help them in improving. With a premium subscription, you can add students for duration of 12 months; you can add more students to this group anytime. Chessity is very easily accessible portal and one can log in to join many more chess lovers.

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arunjchess 06:21 - 3 Sep 2014
Thanks you for the blogs Ajay! we were taken by surprise when we discovered your blog posts about us. We are SO HAPPY to read your feedback about Chessity. Thanks.

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