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puzzle dude episode 2

Jul 27, 2014

hey, everyone we have a winner for the puzzle on episode 1!!! the name is... Arunjchess !!

know its time for our next puzzle of puzzle dude episodes !! ok so heres the puzzle black just moved its pawn from b7-b5 now its white to play and checkmate in one move. white is going forward.

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Mihir 18:54 - 31 Jul 2014
do you mean the pawn b7-b5
ria 18:56 - 31 Jul 2014
yes that's what I meant sorry let me change it
yodhaa 12:04 - 1 Aug 2014
ria 16:47 - 1 Aug 2014
that's correct it was just a little move of en passent and bam checkmate!!

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