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Tactics challenge: July 8

Jul 8, 2014
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How far can you calculate in Chess? How about 125 moves?


White to play

Blathy,O - 1938 1-0

Mate in #125

Yes, 125 moves! I'm not joking. 

After digging through musty books and journals, I found this interesting chess puzzle which was composed by Blathy,Otto in the year 1938. White forces a checkmate in 125 forcing moves! This is the longest combination I have ever seen. How about you?

I will post the answer to this puzzle in tomorrow's post. Stay tuned...

Share your findings and questions in the comment section below.

update: Check out the solution in this blog post: Solution

You can find the solution at the end of the article. Make sure to use gameviewer for browsing the game.

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arunjchess 20:07 - 8 Jul 2014
Clue: Sometimes imagination triumphs over calculation. Idea triumphs over analysis.
atiamohamed 14:49 - 9 Jul 2014
the solution please
arunjchess 16:04 - 9 Jul 2014
You can find the solution here:

Use game viewer to browse through the game.
atiamohamed 00:46 - 10 Jul 2014
wonderkid89 14:51 - 27 Jul 2014
The game may be drawn if each player has made at least the last 50 moves without the movement of any pawn and without any capture Fide rules
arunjchess 15:09 - 27 Jul 2014
lol, that's a nice way to refute the composition :P :) We will just assume that this isn't a tournament game; just a composition.

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