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forcing with check video blog

Mar 20, 2014
StaffCoach 1618
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Forcing with check - 1 1-0


Diagram #1

The queen of black is defended by the black knight. Can you find a way to eliminate the black knight with forcing check moves?


This exchange is forcing because black is in check.

( 1.Bxe7?

Diagram #2

1... Qxg2+ in-between-move with check! 2.K1xg2 Bxe7 = )

1... K8xd8 2.Bxe7+

Diagram #3

again black is in check

2... B8xe7

Diagram #4

after these two forcing moves black has lost the defence of his queen.


Forcing with check - 2 1-0

Diagram #5

The black rook is an undefended piece. White can win the rook if he can find a way to check the black king and attack the black rook at the same time!


Diagram #6

If you are calculating moves it's the right habbit to try all the forcing check moves. Black can choose between to moves with his king. The problem is that in both cases the double attack we love to play is possible!

1... Kg8 2.Qxe6+

Diagram #7

To find this winning double attack is probably easy for you right now.

2... Kg7 3.Qxb3

let's look back at the starting position. Sometimes it's hard to find the winning combination. That's why you should always try ever forcing move.

Forcing with check - 3 1-0

Diagram #8

Just try the forcing check move. Black has only one option for his king.

1.Re7+ Kd8

Diagram #9

Can you find a winning move?


Diagram #10

A beautiful discovered attack!

( 2.Re6+?

Diagram #11

This double attack does not work out. Black can bring his king to a save heaven and defend his rook in one move!2... Kd7)

2... Kd7 3.Rxb1

I hope you will remember that just trying the forcing check moves can help you to find winning attacks easilier.

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jozua 08:12 - 3 May 2018
jozua 08:13 - 3 May 2018
ik snap het niet maar wel cool
Mathis1 16:10 - 6 Feb 2022
yes, a difficult explanation

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