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No accepting draw offers if you want to learn

Mar 19, 2014
Coach 2301
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Vilarnau, Enrique - Verduyckt, Johan 0-1

Zilveren Toren 2014 2014.03.14

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4

Dont like the Tarrasch so I opt for the Rubinstein variation of the French. Helas for me its not a really active opening.

( Bb4 ( Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4))

4.N3xe4 Nd7 5.Nf3 Ngf6 6.N4xf6+ N7xf6 7.Bd3 Be7 8.O-O O-O 9.c3

Losses time

9... b6 10.Qe2 Bb7 11.Bg5 Nh5 12.Bxe7 ( 12.Bd2 Qd5 13.Rfe1)

12... Q8xe7 13.Qe3 ( 13.Be4)

13... Rac8 (13... c5 14.d4xc5 b6xc5)

14.Be4 B7xe4 15.Q3xe4

With draw offer. But I want to learn so it doesn't matter if I lose later in the game so ...

15... c5 16.Rad1 Nf6

Bringing knight back into the game.

17.Qe2 Qb7 18.Rfe1 h6 ( b5 ( c4 19.Ne5 b5 20.Ng4 Nd5 ( N6xg4 21.Q2xg4 b4)) 19.dxc5)

19.Ne5 b5

Not really attacking possibilities on the kingside so I attack on thequeenside. Have to do something anyway there my opponent seems only to think at defending and holding the draw.

20.Qe3 ( 20.Ng4 ( 20.Rd3 ( 20.dxc5 R8xc5 21.Rd4)))

20... c4

Locking up the rooks so they cannot participate in the game

BD_7436_82_0.pngDiagram #1

21.a3 a5 22.Ra1 b4 ( Nd5)

23.a3xb4 a5xb4 24.Ra4 Nd5 25.Qf3 bxc3 26.b2xc3 Qb3 27.Rea1 Qxc3 28.Qd1 Qb3

A blunder that gives white back big draw chances.

( Rfd8)


BD_7436_82_1.pngDiagram #2

( 29.Rxc4 And white wins a pawn since the black Queen isn't defended anymore.29... Qxd1+ 30.R1xd1 Rxc4 31.N5xc4 Rd8 32.Kf1 Nc3)

29... Nc3


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