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Become A Guest Blogger

Feb 4, 2014
StaffCoach 2147

Share Tips, Experiences And Analysis When You Become A Guest Blogger at!

If you’re a titled chess player, club player or a chess coach and you have something new and interesting to saw about your game, we’d like to welcome you as a guest blogger at Chessity. We’re creating a dynamic and vibrant community of chess enthusiasts who are willing to share their knowledge with our users and learn from other members of the community too.

We’re looking for guest posts on a variety topics that interest you and other users most, including:
- game analysis
- tournament preparation techniques
- chess schools reviews
- advice for beginners
- smart positional play
- the best chess strategies
- how to solve tactics
- and much more.

Our goal is to include a wide range of topics that will keep our community members coming back to us again and again.

If you’d like to be part of our guest blogging team and contribute to our community through our state-of-the-art blogging technology, contact us at Tell us who you are, your chess level and how you’d like to contribute. We’ll write back soon!

And check us out now at We’ll see you there!

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Just copy and paste the code below on your website wherever you want the gameviewer to display.
The gameviewer widget for websites 600px by 330px in dimensions.
<script type="text/javascript">
	var chessity_gameblog_id = 119;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>