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The new Chessity

Dec 16, 2015
Chessity staff post

The NEW Chessity is live

Chessity has always offered a uniquely yet immersive educational Chess experience. And now with the new release your chess education will be even better. The simplified website, the new game Arena and the improved chess lessons adds another dimension to that experience. 
new Chessity
new Chessity

The new Chessity is designed with simplicity and user experience in mind. You'll notice how all the features neatly wrapped into three little buttons in the picture below. The different features are more properly alligned to our focus groups and we also made the site easier to understand and navigate. 

the NEW Chessity
the NEW Chessity


Success is just around the corner. This just-released new Chessity can be your holy grail. So, what are you waiting for, give it a go!


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Atharvrisa 20:15 - 14 Jun 2022
woow am fIrSt

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The gameviewer widget for websites 600px by 330px in dimensions.
<script type="text/javascript">
	var chessity_gameblog_id = 1078;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>