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Chess is back in school

Jan 24, 2015
Chessity staff post

Chess is back where it belongs

Chessity gave many chess workshops Together with Tatasteel Chess. It was a wonderful platform to promote Chess for Children. After two weeks more than 1000 children and 20 schools add Chess to their educational curriculum.

Because of Chessity’s unique educational system, Chess is back where it belongs: In school! 

Workshop tatasteel Chess
Workshop tatasteel Chess

‘Chess is exciting and you will become smarter, more creative and more flexible! So it's time to conquer the world with this fantastic game!’ That is suggested by a passionate Janton van Apeldoorn, founder of Chessity, THE website for beginning, intermediate and advanced chess players. ‘

At Chessity we have developed a unique way in providing people a fun way to learn how to play chess online. But we want to make even more people excited about the game of chess. It’s our mission to Spreading our ‘passion for chess’ around the world. Out with the dated image, chess is sexy!

‘The game of chess is currently going through a huge development,’ said Janton. ‘The switch from the classic board game to playing online is a huge breakthrough, and we at Chessity anticipate on this. Internet is easy to access and always available. This has changed how chess is played. You do not need to spend whole evenings behind a board any longer. Now you can play online for half an hour whenever you have time and feel like it.

We love to share some impressions of the of the Chessity workshops at Tatasteel Chess.


Telstar Soccor Stadium


Creative chess
Creative chess


January 15th was a great day for all chess enthusiasts attending the TataSteel Chess Tournament in the Telstar Soccer stadium. The event was packed with both beginners who were eager to learn and masters who were more than happy to help. Among the crowds some recognizable figures like Chess Master and TV personality Hans Bohm were directing the flow of events.

Hans Bohm in action
Hans Bohm in action

The Chessity team with Janton Van Apeldoorn and Alina L’Ami were introducing the younger players with the ‘gaming your training’ concept as it received lots of attention and smiles. With over 120 kids attending the event, the future of chess was guaranteed to prosper for a whole generation to come and the staff of Chessity were delighted to spark interest in younger hearts. 

Frog game 2
Frog game 2

Chessity’s Chess in school workshops at Wijk aan Zee

While Chessity is strongly known because of puzzle solving and training, we thought the Tata Steel festival was a good opportunity to tighten the link between Chessity and the education of beginners. Following our partnership with the organizers, we have installed a series of workshops close to the playing area allowing children testing their skills on our website.

working at Chess
working at Chess

We are glad to notice that the project was crowned by success. The most relevant moments are when parents try taking away their kids from the monitors... Chess and Chessity are so addictive that in many cases the parents had to surrender and join their children in a shoulder-to-shoulder fight!

These have been intense weekends and the children's joy for learning and playing at the same time is priceless...


In the end, the event certainly showed that learning chess can be fun and enjoyable. 


Click here for more about the tournament >>


Stay tuned, more news will follow!

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