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Hidden features in Chessity's cafe

Nov 17, 2013
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In real life, we would define a stylish cafe as the place where people come for more than just a good coffee. Something about the ambiance must make one feel comfortable enough to commune with the other customers and the baristas... and feel at home.

Unfortunately, we are yet to find a way to serve coffee at the Chessity cafe! But we are very friendly and we want to get to know you, dear member! We want our cafe to be a meeting place for everyone, whatever steps they’re making with their chess development.

Our system’s latest modifications and improvements are primarily aimed at making you feel more at home with us and your Chessity experience more pleasant.

The main line of the solution is now highlighted in a different colour to the sub-lines. When the analysis consists of multiple lines, this new feature should make it much easier to follow. Oh, and I recommend you stay on the blue line!


We have introduced coloured arrow signalling on the chess board. The system is intuitive, but here is a brief description: green is correct, yellow means you have revealed an Achilles’ heel, red is incorrect... I hope you live your Chessity life in green!

The technically most complex novelty is the HINT button. It offers you instant access to the last generation analysis chess program. If you think you found a move that is as good as the solution, you can play it on the board and then press the HINT button. A green arrow will be displayed, indicating the best answer, as well as an evaluation of the position after your alternate move. This way, you can find out what is wrong with your solution, or, on the contrary, you may get the satisfaction that it is indeed good!


In the lattermost case, please let the Chessity staff and other users know about it, by reporting at the café via the forum. We will make any necessary corrections as soon as possible.

I trust you will find all these helpful. And I do hope you will like the cafe’s new style... Enjoy your virtual coffee!

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sapientdust 20:05 - 17 Nov 2013
Nice improvements. Keep up the great work!
Labelle_play 03:58 - 18 Nov 2013
Great idea and great accomplishment to permit testing easily the ideas (good or bad) we have in respect of the problems! Congratulations!
trek_play 19:15 - 18 Nov 2013
I agree. The site just keeps getting better. Congrats on the excellent work.
awesomedude_play 21:51 - 25 Nov 2013
picklesticks 02:44 - 5 Dec 2013
chessity has definitly improved a lot. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS!!!
xtboc 20:05 - 26 Mar 2014
you should put a brief text information in the cafe´s screen i didnt know i could do all this!!!
DouweK 17:15 - 7 Jun 2016
Good aricle!
ArenACE 02:31 - 26 Dec 2017
I'm trying to fix errors whenever I see them!
MSVEdward 07:20 - 22 Jun 2020
We can help it I think if someone finds it difficult

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