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What Would You Have Played?: Critical Moments from the 2nd half of 2014 Tata Steel

Jan 22, 2014
IGM 2437
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Hi everyone! I hope y'all are enjoying the top quality games from this year's Tata Steel Tournament so far.

After much perusal and musing, I've come up with a second set of positions for you to try which I think are more entertaining and instructive than those from earlier rounds. But this is my opinion, so you just have to check them out yourself!

Happy solving :)

Once again, the solutions with my comments will be posted later this week.

Test 1


Test 2


Test 3


Black to play

Test 4


Black to play

Test 5


Test 6


Test 7


Black to play

Test 8


Black to play

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BRRijkR 14:48 - 26 Apr 2018
wat een nietsnut ben jij

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