Openingtrainer queen’s pawn 2
Openingtrainer queen’s pawn 2
In this lesson we will again work on positions where the opening arose from a move with the queen's pawn. The positions do become a bit more complicated.
We are also introducing a new concept: prophylaxis. This is quite a difficult word, and the concept will take some time getting used to. With prophylaxis you pay close attention to what the opponent is planning. With a prophylaxis you ensure that the opponent cannot carry out his or her plan.
What this looks like in practice can be seen in example 2. Black would like to develop the bishop to g4, pinning the white knight. White can prevent this with the subtle 1.h3. We already saw this move when we started challenging bishops, but sometimes this move is also good when there is no bishop on g4 yet.
What do you have to do?
Consider moves that improve your position. Look at development moves, preparatory moves and maybe even a prophylaxis!