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Setting up a discovered attack: check (3)

When performing a discovered attack, an important requirement is to have a battery. Yet that itself is not sufficient. You also need to target enemy pieces. In the puzzles you've had to solve so far, those pieces to target were easy to find, but it's not always that simple. You sometimes have to do something extra for it, too! In the coming lessons you will have to play a preparatory move before you can successfully perform a discovered attack or discovered check. Here we distinguish between three types of forcing moves:

1) Check

2) Capture

3) Threat

A forcing move implies that you force the opponent to respond to your action:

If you give check, the other player must cancel the check. Their is no time to do anything else;

If you capture a piece, then the other player usually (sometimes it may be wise to do something else, but these cases are rare) captures the piece back. If you don't, you are a piece behind;

If you attack a piece, threaten to promote or mate, the other will often try to defend against this threat.

In this lesson you will learn to place a target piece by giving check. Then, by means of a discovered attack or discovered check, material can be gained. Fast forward to the example!

What do you have to do?
Set up a discovered attack by giving a check. Then win material by performing a discovered attack or discovered check.