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Frequently asked questions : Settings

What is the beginner (or simplified) mode?

The default setting for student accounts is that the student starts working in child-friendly beginner mode. This is a simplified version of the site that is ideal for primary school children.

Simplified mode 

In the normal view, the homepage shows all kinds of features that children don't need, such as blogs and statistics. These only distract children. In the simplified, child-friendly beginner mode, only those features are available that children need:

Students that use the simplified mode, are shown grey badges in their start-up screen, which match the learning objectives of their chess level. As soon as they have sufficiently mastered a learning objective, the badge is displayed in colour. Once they have earned all badges, the student can take their exam. 

Learning environment especially for children

It's not just the home page that looks different in the child-friendly beginner mode. The biggest difference between the children's version of Chessity and regular display can be seen when looking at the lessons.

In the regular display the chess lessons at are prestened in a spreadsheet view:

In the children’s mode, the learning environment looks completely different. In the Pawn Level, for instance, the children are taken to a river where a friendly frog jumps from lesson to lesson:

The content of the chess lessons is exactly the same, but the design is much more playful and that really appeals to children.

If you work at a primary school or teach young children, we recommend that you always let the students work in the simplified mode.

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