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Strategy 1

It's time for the first real strategy lesson. Strategy and tactics are often seen as opposites in chess. Yet they actually go hand in hand. Where tactics relate to short, spectacular combinations, strategy relates more to the long term. Tactical opportunities typical arise as a consequence of strong strategy.

Strategy is the art of achieving small advantages. These are generally different types of advantages than material advantages. With strategy, we focus mainly on the quality of pieces and the pawn structure.

Within the subject of strategy, you will learn what strong and weak pawns are. What good and bad bishops are. And when a knight or a bishop is the stronger piece.

Part of good strategy is that you learn to think 'prophylactically'. In addition to asking yourself what your own strategic goals are, it is also important to ask yourself what your opponent's strategic goals are. Sometimes the best move is a move that prevents the opponent from achieving his or her strategic goals.

What do you have to do?

Improve your position with a strategic move. When doing this, look at the pawn structure and also take into account what the opponent wants to do.

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