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Center 1

The middle four squares of the board are called the center. Why are these squares more important than all the other squares? After all, every square is the same size, right? 

“The side that controls the center dominates the board” is a useful chess saying. The special thing about the chessboard is that the board stops at the edges. So you cannot move from one side of the board through the side of the board to the other side of the board. Interestingly, there is a chess variant in which this is allowed, called “cylinder chess. In this variant, an a-pawn can sometimes just capture a piece on the h-line. 

Under traditional chess rules, however, this is not allowed. This means that pieces in the center of the board are more flexible. For example, a bishop on square d3 controls many squares on both flanks. The moment you control the center, your pieces can move very quickly from one flank to the other, allowing you to attack your opponent from all sides. 

What do you have to do? 

Take an action in the center that increases your control over the center.

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