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Key concepts

Key Concepts

Designed by chesstrainers and based on research, Chessity's training program promotes chess developement by selectively challenging cognitive faculties. Below some key concepts are presented for understanding this process.



Each individual brings his or her own unique set of strengths and weaknesses to any new task. A task that is quite easy for one person might be impossible for another. In order to  benefit from training, the level of difficulty must be appropriately set at a level that is challenging without being discouraging. This level is different for each individual, and it will change over time as performance improves.



To get the most out of chess training, individuals should train often and consistently. We are much more likely to engage in exercise if it is fun and enjoyable. Chessity encourages people to train harder. To be effective, chess training must not only possess engaging exercises. An effective reward structure is also needed. When the brain is in an engaged and rewarded state, it is much more open to learning and change.


Training calibration

To get the right adaptivity and engagement the Chessity team develop an exciting new training concept. This chess training will adapt to your learning needs. Our Grand Masters and International Masters are a well-known chess trainers and players. Their experience with Chess helped Chessity to build a chess training and learning tool for players of every strength.